
Adding Cinch to your Wix website



The online ordering button is a custom HTML code that you add to your website. In Wix, this is a pretty straightforward operation. Here’s how to do it, step by step.

Start with your homepage. Find the place where you want to position your “See Menu & Order” button and do the followings:

Go to the editor’s left menu and click Add → More → HTML Code. A new grey container will appear on the screen.


Position the grey container where you want the button to appear in the page.

Click on it to reveal the small contextual menu and then click on Enter Code to open the settings window.

Paste the HTML code and click Update.


If all done right, the button should look like in this example


In a similar fashion you can add ordering buttons to other secondary pages as well. If you’re interested in customizing the style of the ordering button, check out Cinch Web Publishing Fundamentals.


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