
Order Information Grid

Order Information Bar.jpg

This grid displays vital information for the current transaction being processed. Paying close attention to the information displayed in this grid can prevent mistakes being processed.

Emp – Displays the active user signed on to the terminal. This is done via the user logon covered at the top of this document.

Check Id – Shows the current bill being processed at the terminal. Only confirmed orders have a Check Id displayed. Orders being entered for the first time don’t have an associated Check Id until they are confirmed.

Order/Table/Tab – Displays the current order number, table or tab being processed.

C – Stands for covers and shows the amount of people seated at a table. This is only pertinent to table orders, and is a configurable option to key in.

Receipt - Toggles automatic printing of customer receipts On or Off.

Surcharge - Toggles check surcharges On or Off manually, can be applied venue wide if surcharge has permission.

Price - Displays which Price Set is currently active. e.g. Default or Happy Hour

Station - Displays which station the current order is being placed on.

Hold - Toggles an order to be put on or taken off Hold.

Sub Total - Base total of active order

Discount - Value of discounts applied

Surcharge  - Value of surcharges applied

Total - Value of active order after Discounts and Surcharges are applied to Sub Total


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