

Adjustments are used to modify the Price Level of an item. They are often used for items such as beer or pizzas where there may be different sizes of the same item that require different price levels.

Adding an Adjustment

  1. To add a new adjustment select the ‘Add Adjustment’ tab as shown below
  2. Fill in the details as required
    1. Adjustment Name1 – the name of the Adjustment
    2. Adjustment Name2 – the name of the Adjustment that will appear on the PDA menu or the alternative language name of an item if a language other than English is being used.
    3. Print name – the name for the adjuster that will print on the Kitchen dockets
    4. Price level – select the price level setting that will be used when this adjuster is selected before an item. Note – ensure that the correct prices are set for the different price levels of all the items this adjuster will be associated with.
  3. Select ‘Save’ to save the new adjuster

Ways to use Adjustments

You can use Adjustment to denote service aspects and specifications to your items. Creating Adjustments with names like 'On Side' and 'Allergy To' will allow greater flexibility easier communication between front of house and kitchen staff.

Wine is best ordered using Adjustments. In the case that wine is ordered either by the glass or the bottle the default price should be set for the price by the glass (Price Level 1).

Entering the bottle value at Price Level 2 and creating a 'Bottle' Adjustment will create more room in your menu design and is the best method for working with the ImPOS Inventory Software.


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