In this article, you will be taken through the process of refunding an entire bill. The refund feature should be used sparingly, however the change payment feature that is housed within the refund function is something that you may use more regularly. The change payment feature allows for a method of payment for a finalised bill to be changed in the event that the incorrect method was initially selected. This most often occurs when the wrong credit card type is selected when settling a bill, such as Visa being nominated instead of MasterCard.
Refund an entire bill
To refund a bill, select the start and end date for the search. NB: the current date is nominated by default.
For multi-payment transactions (where more than one method of payment is used to finalise the bill), all methods of payment will be refunded, with confirmation windows showing each payment method. Also, note that refunded items are not returned to stock in hand.
Note: any bills refunded from previous day’s trade may require reports to be reprinted, to reflect the newly refunded bills.
Change payment method
As mentioned earlier, the change payment option allows for methods of payment to be amended for previously finalised transactions. To perform this action, follow the steps required for a refund, and select the change payment button. A new window will open, offering alternate methods of payment.
Refund Item
The refund item function can be accessed via the More Func. section in the main front of house menu. This will refund a particular item highlighted in the order grid. As with the above refund feature, it will assume that the stock has been disposed of and the funds returned to the customer.