
Table Management

Table Management is used to manage different layouts you need to use for your venue. You have the option of having different layouts representing different setups used in your venue.

To create new layout;

  • Select new from the dropdown. Note – you must add a table to the floor plan before it will be saved by the ImPOS system.
  • To Rename a floor / add a floor / select a suitable background picture for a floor select the ‘Set Floors’ button. You will then be presented with the following menu;
  • Select the appropriate floor id from the Floor ID drop down menu.
  • Type the name of the floor in the floor name field.
  • Select the background picture from pictures saved on the computer by selecting the ellipses next ‘Picture’ – you will be presented with a window where you can select the picture you would like to use.
  • Click ‘Save’.
  • Clicking ‘Close’ will take you back to the Layout menu.

Note – If you wish to delete a floor select the floor id and click the delete button

Note – You can add multiple floors to a layout.

  •  Add tables to the floor design you have selected
  • Select ‘New’ from the side menu show above
  • Enter the table number in the window provided. Note – you can also use words and letters to identify your tables, there is a maximum of 50 characters allowed.
  • After clicking ‘OK’ the new table will appear in the top left hand corner of the floor plan.
  • Drag the table to the appropriate position on the floor plan.
  • After creating a table you can edit the size of the table on the floor plan, the number of the table and the floor the table appears on by selecting the table and editing the values in that appear in the menu shown above.
  • Select ‘Update’ to save the position and values for the selected table, select delete if you wish to delete the selected table

Note – if you are editing a floor plan during service the new floor plan will not become active in front office until you have removed all activity from all tables in the current layout and restarted ImPOS


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