On the left-hand side of the table layout screen there is a column of purple buttons outlining a number of commonly used table actions. To engage any of these actions you must first select the desired table by pressing it once. Once highlighted, the table will appear in yellow.
You are able to rearrange the list of functions available, or set specific authority requirements. Below is a list of commonly used functions and their associated features.
Change table: Allows staff to relocate a table allocation. Select the table you would like to move, then press the change table button and select the destination table. By default a change table docket will be printed to notify staff of the move, however this is configurable if you don't wish to make use of the printed dockets.
Merge table: Allows staff to merge two tables together to take one table out of rotation, when combining tables together for large groups. After selecting the merge function, select the table you wish to merge and then choose what table will be the host table.
Tables will un-merge automatically after the host table has been paid and closed, or if all items have been removed by transferring. Alternatively, if no orders have been place, the Clear Table function can be used to remove any covers, merges or links made.
Item Transfer: This function will transfer one or more items from one table to another table. To complete an item transfer, select the table the order is attached to then click the item transfer button. Select the destination table, then a new window titled item transfer will open. Select/highlight the item(s) that you want to transfer then use the arrows to move it to a new location. Tap to finalise the transfer. A confirmation window will then open to confirm successful completion.
Split Check: This function provides the ability to accept more than one payment method for finalising a table. To split a bill, select the desired table and press the split check function button.
This will open the window shown below, displaying the entire check on the left, and items to be paid on the right. Highlight the required items and press the single arrow to move them across for payment. Tender types are also available on this screen as well. Repeat this process for each paying customer until the full bill has been settled.
Table Message: This function button allows staff to attach a note to the selected table, ensuring that an information message will pop up each time the table is opened.
To create a note, select the desired table and press the table message button. Input the applicable message using the on-screen keyboard, then select update to finalise.
Kitchen Message: This function assists front-of-house staff to communicate with the chef and other kitchen staff. The system allows for up to 5 preconfigured messages. The messages by default are:
- Next Course!
- Hold This!
- See Me!
These messages can be changed on request. Please contact Impos Support to make these changes.
To send a message to kitchen staff using this function, select the applicable table and press the kitchen message. A new window will then open, as seen below.
From this window you can enter a custom message, or opt to send one of the default messages. Select the destination printer if there is more than one kitchen printer, then press OK to send the message.
Set Default Floor: Impos allows you to create a floor plan with multiple tabs to avoid having to make amendments for every function or event. The default floor function is used to define which tab each terminal opens to by default. To configure your preferences, select the tab you wish to be the default for the terminal, then select the set default floor button.
Unlock Table: This function is used to force open a table that has been locked. Tables are locked for multiple reasons, most commonly when table is open on another POS. This function can be used to open a table when locked, however can cause conflicts and should be used with caution.