
Stock Arrival with Purchase orders

Stock Arrival with Purchase orders

To access the purchase order screen, select the Inventory dropdown, and nominate purchase orders, as shown below.


All purchase orders carry a specific status. Each status has been outlined below:

  • New orders – those which have been generated, but not printed or saved to file
  • Orders sent – Those which have been printed
  • Order confirmed – Those which have been marked confirmed

To retrieve a purchase order that has been sent to a supplier, select orders sent from the status dropdown box. Orders viewed in this window can be filtered by supplier, reference, date or status.

To select the purchase order to arrive, click once on the desired order and then press the stock arrival button.


The stock arrival functionality requires a number of fields to be filled in. This includes:

  • Date - the date the invoice was generated;
  • Ref No - the invoice number generated by the supplier;
  • Supplier invoice total - includes all taxes and freight; and
  • Supplier - supplier name

NB: You can enter each line item as either including or excluding GST by specifying your preference in the Enter Cost box.


In the top left section, select the stock items to be received then double click to populate information into the arrival window.

  • In the stock arrival window, you can enter the number of units supplied, along with the line total (inc. or ex. GST as specified in the enter cost box above). This will also update the unit cost.
  • Any additional freight costs can also be entered at this stage.
  • To include additional items in the stock arrival window, double-click on the reserve item window (located in the top left of the screen).
  • To remove stock items, select the desired line item and press "remove current selected item”. NB: this will only remove the item from the current order. Any items removed from the stock arrival will appear in a partially received purchase order.
  • You can enter items by units, referred to as inners, or enter items by order units, referred to as outers.
  • Once the line items are completed and the freight has been entered, press submit to arrive the stock. The supplier invoice amount and the stock arrival total (calculated by the system) must match exactly for the invoice to be accepted.
  • Once submitted, the current stock holding and all stock costs will be updated accordingly.


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